Registration of companies, all Latvia

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Atlase, LTD

Tērbatas 41/43-2, Rīga, LV-1011
insolvency, lawyer in Riga, legal services in Riga, divorce, divorce, property division, marriage contract, registration , of companies , company liquidation, maintenance, alimony recovery, violence in family, violence against

Failas Abbasovas Zvērināta advokāta birojs, LTD

Graudu 27/29 -, Liepāja, LV-3401
limited liability companies , registration of change of limited liability companies , limited liability, companies reorganization, limited liability companies liquidation, legal assistance in disputes with

Urban A, individual practicing lawyer

Planīcas 1A, Kuldīga, Kuldīgas nov. LV-3301
, document processing, guarantee, eviction, legal advice, Legal advice by phone, legal services for companies , debt, trademark registration , establishment of easements, Court of arbitration, disputes with the lender

DN Finance, LTD, Branch

Zirņu 14, Cēsis, Cēsu nov., LV-4101
Preparation of documents for a new company Ltd., Limited liability company is a small capital company, consultations, Tax optimization, tax counseling, tax planning, Accounting outsourcing, advice for international companies

DN Finance, LTD

Palasta 10, Rīga, LV-1050
Financial consultations. Preparation of documents for a new company Ltd., Limited liability company is a small capital company, micro tax, MICRO enterprises, quarter reports, tax accounting VAT refund, representative SRS, bill payments, Business consulting in law by industry, Company's accountancy, tax accounting, financial accounting,

Pirmā stīga, association

Krasta 21A, Ezere, Ezeres pagasts, Saldus nov., LV-3891
a group of tourists - advance registration , food delivery for events, children's camps, camps, summer, sports competition, sports match, sports days, off-site catering, seminars servicing, services for companies